25 Very Annoying and Funny Questions That People Love To Ask

No matter who you are, you’ve almost certainly been asked an annoying question at least once in your life. If you’re tall, then people would always ask you why you were so tall. If you’re short, people would always ask you why you’re so short. It’s inevitable. There is always room for silly and annoying questions that are sure to annoy you. Some of you have likely heard the same silly question over and over again so many times that you have even come up with witty answers and comebacks. Even if you haven’t though, it’s very possible that this list is relevant to you.

You may even be the one asking the annoying questions but your friends have been too nice to tell you how annoying it is. Either way, you’ll probably relate to this list in one way or another. The only sure thing is that we all annoy each other somehow, and if you can’t stop annoying each other, you might as well have a good laugh about it. That’s exactly what we’re going to be doing today, so come on and get ready because these are 25 Very Annoying Questions That People Love To Ask!

Featured Image: Ryan via Flickr


Why are you so short?

Why are you so short?

Source: quora

Uh…so do you want a scientific explanation?


You're tall, do you play basketball?

You're tall, do you play basketball?

Image: David Joyce via Flickr, Source: quora

Do you play miniature golf?


Why do you want to work for us?

Why do you want to work for us?

Image: pixabay, Source: thoughtcatalog

Because I love your company and everything that you do! Now can I have a job please?


Why don't you drink alcohol?

Why don't you drink alcohol?

Image: pixabay, Source: quora

Because I’m a raging alcoholic. Why do you drink?


Tell us something interesting about yourself.

Tell us something interesting about yourself

Source: quora

So you want me to zone out for the next 5 minutes to desperately think of something while I ignore what everybody else in the room is saying?


Do you know why I pulled you over today?

Do you know why I pulled you over today?

Image: pixabay, Source: thoughtcatalog

No, do you?


What do you do?

What do you do?

Image: pixabay, Source: quora

As little as possible.


What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

Image: Paul Pival via Flickr, Source: thoughtcatalog

I’m not sure about strengths but my biggest weakness is definitely not having a solid exoskeleton. It makes me vulnerable to attacks from pointy objects.


How many fingers do you see?

How many fingers do you see?

Image: wikipedia, Source: quora

Wearing glasses doesn’t make me blind.


Why should we hire you?

Why should we hire you?

Image: pixabay, Source: thoughtcatalog

Because I like money.


Why is my son failing your class?

Why is my son failing your class?

Image: pixabay, Source: quora

Because he doesn’t do anything to pass it.


No, where are you really from?

No, where are you really from?

Image: wikipedia, Source: thoughtcatalog

I’m from here. I was born here. My parents were born here. My grandparents were born here. My great grandparents were from Hong Kong. Where are you really from?


You're from Puerto Rico!? When did you become a citizen?

You're from Puerto Rico!? When did you become a citizen?

Image: wikipedia, Source: quora

Really? Puerto Rico is part of the United States. I was born a citizen, Einstein.


Do you have a girlfriend yet?

Do you have a girlfriend yet?

Image: pixabay, Source: quora

No grandma, I don’t.


Who are you voting for?

Who are you voting for?

Image: wikipedia, Source: thoughtcatalog

Are you looking for reasons to hate me?


Why aren't you on Facebook?

Why aren't you on Facebook?

Image: pixabay, Source: quora

I am. I’m just ignoring you.


What interests you about our company as compared to the others?

What interests you about our company as compared to the others?

Image: pixabay, Source: quora

The others didn’t give me interviews.


Hi, how are you?

Hi how are you?

Image: Philip Kromer via Flickr, Source: thoughtcatalog

Hi, how are you?


What are you thinking about?

What are you thinking about?

Image: pixabay, Source: quora

That someone somewhere has the largest appendix on Earth and doesn’t even know it. Honestly, probably 99% of my thoughts are just as underwhelming.


How's the job going?

How's the job going?

Image: wikipedia, Source: thoughtcatalog

It pays the bills.


You're Croatian? No way! Can you speak Croatian right now?

You're Croatian? No way! Can you speak Croatian right now?

Image: pixabay, Source: quora

*sigh* What do you want me to say?


What is there to be anxious about?

What is there to be anxious about?

Image: thebluediamondgallery.com, Source: thoughtcatalog

Nothing. That’s why they call it a disorder.


Why are you so quiet? Why do your cheeks turn red? Why are they turning red right now?

Why are you so quiet? Why do your cheeks turn red? Why are they turning red right now?

Image: pixabay, Source: quora

Because I’m shy, and you put me on the spot.


When are you having kids?

When are you having kids?

Image: wikipedia, Source: quora

And this information is critical to your life because?


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Image: pixabay, Source: quora

Seriously? I don’t even know what I’m having for dinner tonight.

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25 Very Annoying and Funny Questions That People Love To Ask
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