We are sure that there are many fun things that you want to do, learn and experience in your life. The sad part is that realistically speaking; you may not be able to do it all in one lifetime. But there are some things that you can do like reading the 20 best books to read before you die and learn the Morse code and that too right now. We are sure that you may find the experience interesting to say the least and may require lesser time to do than installing the best free WordPress themes though how comparable these two things are is a tossup.

But if you must know, then learning Morse code is a cool thing to do and possibilities of what you can do are endless. In fact if you are preparing a summer fun list of ideas for your kids to do and learn during their summer holidays, this could be one of them.
The first thing you should know is that Morse code was created by Samuel F.B. Morse way back in the year 1844. It is remarkable that this code is in use even today by radio operators. It can also be used to signal an emergency and for people with disabilities to communicate.

First step: Listen to slow recording of Morse code carefully. The Morse code consists of dits and dahs in different combinations. The dit is short while the dah is a longer beep. The letters are separated by a brief pause and each word with a longer one. You can either use recordings or use a shortwave receiver to hear out the genuine thing. There is also software that will allow you to learn Morse code.

Second step: You can get a basic chart of the Morse code and learn the alphabets from this. Once you master this, you can get more complex charts that have phrases and pro-signs, etc. You can keep matching the codes to the alphabets you have learned in Morse code so that your learning becomes more advanced. You can even write it down if that helps you learn better. If it makes you feel better you can even listen to Morse code signals that are recorded.

Third step: You can either practice saying out words or writing them down. Start with small words with lesser letters so that you understand what you are doing. Be more aware of the way you space out the words so that it is easier to understand.

Fourth step: Try and commit the easiest alphabets to memory like for instance the letter T or E. then move on to M and I which are also pretty simple. Then go for the ones that have 3-4 dits and dahs in them. As you go on, you will be able to commit the combinations of dits and dahs for most letters to memory.

Fifth step: You can start making associations of what the alphabet sounds like in Morse code. The best way to do this is by coming up with a sound alike. You can also use mnemonics for Morse code that are available to be able to do this. Or if you are into music, you can liken to tunes in order to remember them.

The final step: The best way to learn and never forgetting Morse code is by using it all the time. To do this you can have your friends learn along with you so that you can send coded messages to each other without the rest of the world knowing about it. In other words, make it fun to learn and use.
But if you must know, then learning Morse code is a cool thing to do and possibilities of what you can do are endless. In fact if you are preparing a summer fun list of ideas for your kids to do and learn during their summer holidays, this could be one of them.
The first thing you should know is that Morse code was created by Samuel F.B. Morse way back in the year 1844. It is remarkable that this code is in use even today by radio operators. It can also be used to signal an emergency and for people with disabilities to communicate.
First step: Listen to slow recording of Morse code carefully. The Morse code consists of dits and dahs in different combinations. The dit is short while the dah is a longer beep. The letters are separated by a brief pause and each word with a longer one. You can either use recordings or use a shortwave receiver to hear out the genuine thing. There is also software that will allow you to learn Morse code.
Second step: You can get a basic chart of the Morse code and learn the alphabets from this. Once you master this, you can get more complex charts that have phrases and pro-signs, etc. You can keep matching the codes to the alphabets you have learned in Morse code so that your learning becomes more advanced. You can even write it down if that helps you learn better. If it makes you feel better you can even listen to Morse code signals that are recorded.
Third step: You can either practice saying out words or writing them down. Start with small words with lesser letters so that you understand what you are doing. Be more aware of the way you space out the words so that it is easier to understand.
Fourth step: Try and commit the easiest alphabets to memory like for instance the letter T or E. then move on to M and I which are also pretty simple. Then go for the ones that have 3-4 dits and dahs in them. As you go on, you will be able to commit the combinations of dits and dahs for most letters to memory.
Fifth step: You can start making associations of what the alphabet sounds like in Morse code. The best way to do this is by coming up with a sound alike. You can also use mnemonics for Morse code that are available to be able to do this. Or if you are into music, you can liken to tunes in order to remember them.
The final step: The best way to learn and never forgetting Morse code is by using it all the time. To do this you can have your friends learn along with you so that you can send coded messages to each other without the rest of the world knowing about it. In other words, make it fun to learn and use.
Morse Code: A guide on How to Read it