A collection of interesting and
Huge Button Sculpture: Lorrie's Button is the creation of Hy Zelkowitz. It's a huge red button installed on a tilted axis. "The center of the button is pierced with four large holes. The sculpture was designed for children to climb on and is installed in a playground area of the park."
Huge Needle and Button: This sculpture signifies the Art District in Manhattan.
Huge Soccer Ball: Nike uses a huge soccer ball in this advertisement.
Huge Soft Toys: Soft toys and animals by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman.

Huge Beach Items: The Province of Rimini commissioned these huge objects.
Huge Bucket of Popcorn: The world's largest bucket of popcorn in London, England.
Huge Razor: This creative outdoor advertisement developed by BIC used a huge razor and cut grass to advertise their product.
Huge Book: This huge book was the stage at Austrian Bregenzer Festspiele's 1999 production of Verdi' s opera "A Masked Ball".
Oversized Correction Fluid Bottle:
This comes from advertising for FedEx Kinko's, here the agency
installed oversized bottles of correction fluid, highlighters, and an
office lamp, on the city's busy roads.
Huge Light Bulb Shaped Lamp:
The lamp is in the shape of a huge 4.5 feet light bulb and features an
RGB dimmable power and comes with a remote controller.

Oversized Everyday Items: "Macro" is a sculpture series created by artist Romulo Celdran.

Huge Paper Boat: A 9-meter-long, 25-kilogram using 170-square-metre paper boat created by Artist Frank Boelter.

Huge Clothespin Sculpture: Located in Center City, Philadelphia.
Huge Safety Pin: Creation of Claes Oldenburg and Coosje Van Bruggen.

Huge Shuttlecocks Sculpture:
Its created by Claes Oldenburg and Coosje Van Bruggen and its installed
at Nelson-Atkins Museum Sculpture Park, Kansas City, Missouri.

Huge Spoonbridge and Cherry Sculpture: Created by Claes Oldenburg and Coosje Van Bruggen located in a Minneapolis Sculpture Garden.
Huge Fork Sculpture: Created by Swiss artists Jean-Pierre Zaugg and G Favre, in front of the Alimentarium, the Food Museum.
Rubber Duck: Rubber duck, a creation of the artist Florentijn Hofman, dimensions 26 x 20 x 32 meters
Huge Paper Plane: A company in Seattle WA, USA has a huge paper airplane above their front door.
Huge Shopping Bag: This art installation is part of an art exhibition in Germany.

Huge Shoe: Creative billboard advertisement for Woodland Shoes
Huge Coffee Cup: We missed this one in our "42 Modern and Creative Cup Designs".
Huge Pencil: This huge pencil was built in New York by Ashrita Furman.
Huge Origami Crane Tent: This one is the creation of Crimson Collective; the crane is 45 feet tall and packs a 150-foot wingspan.
Art-Eggcident: These installations were spread in Leeuwarden, Netherlands by H Hofstra as a part of art project, titled "Art Eggcident".

Creative Ads Using Oversized Objects
from all over the world.Huge Button Sculpture: Lorrie's Button is the creation of Hy Zelkowitz. It's a huge red button installed on a tilted axis. "The center of the button is pierced with four large holes. The sculpture was designed for children to climb on and is installed in a playground area of the park."

Huge Shoe: Creative billboard advertisement for Woodland Shoes

Creative Ads Using Oversized Objects