The Curious Tale of The Laocoön And His Sons’ Missing Arm

The story of Laocoön, the Trojan priest who was attacked and killed along with his two sons by giant serpents for attempting to expose the ruse of the Trojan Horse, is well-known in Greek mythology. Laocoön’s tragic tale has been retold by numerous Greek poets such as Apollodorus and Quintus Smyrnaeus. The latter gave a detailed description of Laocoön's grisly fate in his epic poem Posthomerica. Laocoön was also mentioned by the famous Greek tragedian Sophocles, and by the Roman poet Virgil, whose account is one of the most famous to survive from the Hellenistic period.

Laocoon and His Sons

Laocoön and His Sons in Vatican Museums, Vatican City. Photo: LivioAndronico/Wikimedia Commons

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The Curious Tale of The Laocoön And His Sons’ Missing Arm
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