Honesty can be very very brutal. Especially when it comes from Mexico City born illustrator - Eduardo Salles. This guy works to bring out the brutal truth about modern life in his hilarious illustrations, and he does so with a smart ass touch!
Translated from Spanish to English by us, these prints are not only utterly cynical and darkly humorous, but also completely relatable! From the reality of dieting to the reality of texting to the reality of free wifi - Eduardo proves a point with all of his illustrations. Check them out below and let us know what you think!
More info: cinismoilustrado.com | Twitter | Tumblr (h/t: boredpanda)

Translated from Spanish to English by us, these prints are not only utterly cynical and darkly humorous, but also completely relatable! From the reality of dieting to the reality of texting to the reality of free wifi - Eduardo proves a point with all of his illustrations. Check them out below and let us know what you think!
More info: cinismoilustrado.com | Twitter | Tumblr (h/t: boredpanda)
Brutally Honest Illustrations About Modern Life By Eduardo Salles