Are you looking for a unique way to decorate your
home? We are sure that you must have some definite ideas in this regard
but we feel that one cannot have enough ideas in this direction and one
should always look for new ideas so that you can ensure that any space
that you inhabit has a stamp that is all your own. That is why when
someone mentioned masks, and African masks in particular as an idea for
decorating the walls of a home or office, we felt that it was an idea
worth considering. It is savage, but unique, can be a bit primitive, but
with a lot of beauty and it does add a lot to any wall that it is used
to decorate. The use of masks for wall decoration comes with a caveat –
which is that you do some research to find out the significance and
mystical meaning of the mask before using it to decorate your walls.
Otherwise, you may end up getting something that is not quite apt to be
used on your walls. There many beautiful carnivale mask and meanings that you can investigate before going ahead with such decorations.

You will see that when it comes to masks, many materials are used including wood, stone, papier mache and metal. You have to look at sculpting on metal – fascinating aesthetic and practical uses to know what we mean and the choices that are open to you. The thing is that one may look for genuine African masks in order to decorate your walls but you may find the process of sourcing these a bit difficult. You can always look at magnificent tribal art examples from around the world and invest in good quality duplicates. This way you will have to spend a little less time and effort on the upkeep but have a good and genuine look nevertheless.

African Masks Wall Decoration Ideas
As you may be aware, Africa has or had many tribes and each of them have their own masks and ceremonies. This means that if you are going to be decorating the walls of your home with African masks, then you can always go for one from each of the tribes or go with a theme that you have come up with based on the color scheme of your home. But before you go ahead with masks for decorating your home, we have to give you fair warning that some masks can be very lifelike and this can be spooky as the eyes in the mask seem to be following your movements. If you are one of those who gets spooked by such things, then you need to pick those which are benign in this regard or you may find yourself a bit spooked at times.

Now that we have given you some background and caution about decorating with African masks, we are going to go ahead with some more tips. If you look at the images we have given of walls decorated with African masks, you will realize that they tend to be more towards earthy colors and this can be a cue for you to pick out the colors of your walls. And if your taste in African masks veers more towards the ones with lots of color on them, then you can go for duller colors on your wall so that they can be showcased to the best advantage.

And if you are really into such ethnic stuff, then you can go a step further and add other touches like shields and other weapons from the African collection alongside the masks to ensure that the whole look works together. If you are using stone masks on the wall to decorate them, then ensure that the walls are reinforced to be able to take on the weight of the stone masks, which can be remarkably heavy.
Bored Art.
You will see that when it comes to masks, many materials are used including wood, stone, papier mache and metal. You have to look at sculpting on metal – fascinating aesthetic and practical uses to know what we mean and the choices that are open to you. The thing is that one may look for genuine African masks in order to decorate your walls but you may find the process of sourcing these a bit difficult. You can always look at magnificent tribal art examples from around the world and invest in good quality duplicates. This way you will have to spend a little less time and effort on the upkeep but have a good and genuine look nevertheless.
African Masks Wall Decoration Ideas
As you may be aware, Africa has or had many tribes and each of them have their own masks and ceremonies. This means that if you are going to be decorating the walls of your home with African masks, then you can always go for one from each of the tribes or go with a theme that you have come up with based on the color scheme of your home. But before you go ahead with masks for decorating your home, we have to give you fair warning that some masks can be very lifelike and this can be spooky as the eyes in the mask seem to be following your movements. If you are one of those who gets spooked by such things, then you need to pick those which are benign in this regard or you may find yourself a bit spooked at times.
Now that we have given you some background and caution about decorating with African masks, we are going to go ahead with some more tips. If you look at the images we have given of walls decorated with African masks, you will realize that they tend to be more towards earthy colors and this can be a cue for you to pick out the colors of your walls. And if your taste in African masks veers more towards the ones with lots of color on them, then you can go for duller colors on your wall so that they can be showcased to the best advantage.
And if you are really into such ethnic stuff, then you can go a step further and add other touches like shields and other weapons from the African collection alongside the masks to ensure that the whole look works together. If you are using stone masks on the wall to decorate them, then ensure that the walls are reinforced to be able to take on the weight of the stone masks, which can be remarkably heavy.
Bored Art.
African Masks Wall Decoration Ideas